Habba Khatoon - The Romantic Poetess & Songstress

Habba Khatoon, "The Nightingale of Kashmir," is a well-known poetess. She is the first romantic poetess of Kashmir. She is often credited for the introduction of "lol" and "vatsun" in Kashmiri poetry.

She was born in 1551 in Chadhaar. It is a small village in the tehsil of Pampore. She belonged to a poor family. Her father's name was Abdi Rather. He was a farmer. And her mother, Janam, was a housewife. Habba Khatoon’s birth name was "Zoon." In Kashmiri, it means "moon".

The painting of a Kashmiri woman | Image Source - Pinterest

In her childhood, Habba Khatoon received her education in Arabic and Persian. They were the most dominant languages in Kashmir till almost the 18th century. She has also been very famous for her beauty. It is said that people from far away used to come to see her glimpse.

She got married at a very young age. Her husband, Aziz Lone, was younger than her. He was a carpenter. He was an illiterate and ill-mannered person. Her married life experience was not good. His husband used to be very harsh towards her. He often used to beat her. She tried everything to prove her loyalty and love towards her husband. But nothing helped her change him.

Habba Khatoon was gifted with an amazing voice and writing skills. This thing caught the eyes of her in-laws. They always used to taunt her for ruining their family's respect. Finally, one day she was asked to leave for her parents home by her in-laws. After moving back to Habba Khatoon, she kept herself busy in households.

When Habba Khatoon was born, Kashmir was under the rule of Zain-ul-Abideen. He was the last ruler of the Shahmiri Dynasty, who gave up his throne in 1554. The next dynasty to rule over Kashmir was the Chak Dynasty. He was established by Ali Shah Chak. Their last ruler was Yousuf Shah Chak.

He was also a scholar and a poet. His work is in Kashmiri, Persian, and also in Sanskrit. It is said that one day Yousuf Shah Chak was passing near the saffron fields of Pampore. There he had a glimpse of Habba Khatoon. Her adorable beauty and melodious voice attracted him. He got her talaq from her husband, Aziz Lone, for 5000 dirhams. And they both later got married.

Yousuf Shah Chak ascended the throne in 1587 A.D. He later announced Habba Khatoon as her queen. She enjoyed the status for almost 14 years. At that time, Yousuf Shah Chak was 23 years old. And Habba Khatoon was 29 years old. They spent most of their time in Gulmarg and Sonamarg. They also used to visit lakes, flower gardens, and other beautiful spots in the valley.

However, these beautiful days didn’t last for long. In the end of 1580, Mughal Emperor Akbar started ruling over Kashmir. He had his eyes on Kashmir for a very long time. He even once attacked but was badly defeated by the Chak army.

Emperor Akbar later invited Yousuf Shah Chak to Delhi as a guest. But there he detained him and locked him in jail in Biswak, Bihar. He never returned to Kashmir and later died in prison. This incident affected Habba Khatoon badly. After this, she felt so lonely. Her sufferings were later seen in her songs.

Habba Khatoon wrote all her poems in the Kashmiri language. At that time, almost all the literature was compiled in Persian. But she was not the first poetess to start writing in Kashmiri. The poetry in Kashmiri started 200 years ago with Lal Ded and Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Wali(R.A.).

However, her "lol" songs gave it new energy. Even in her time, her songs reached their zenith. People still listen to and enjoy the lyrics of her songs. Habba Khatoon died in 1604 A.D. She is buried in Athvajan, Srinagar. In the 20th century, another famous poet, Mehjoor, was also buried beside her. Habba Khatoon will always be in our hearts. She has made a huge contribution to the Kashimiri language. Her tremendous work will always keep her alive.

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